Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gurney Plaza ♥

Well, due to the canceling of gym plan, Hubby suggested to bring me go to Gurney Plaza gai gai~ He is sweet enough~

If you know me, I'm definitely a 'lyk me', similarly, my hubby too~ We are always the same ma~ Lol.. Haha! XD

Thus, honestly, although we have been studying at Penang for almost two years ++, we haven't know the way to Gurney Plaza, sounds silly right? wakaka!

Yet, we can still reach there safely (but a little delay due to the boring congestion on the way going to there.. =.=) because we have Mr Garmin and Mr Papago~ Hubby is using his Papago at first and I'm using Garmin on the half way because both of us still think Mr Garmin is more friendly and nice~ Hehe! =P

Upon reaching, heading to Gurney drive to have our dinner~ Bought jor 'Oo jien', 'Wan Tan Mee', 'Ais kacang' and 'Pasembur'~ 

Ice kacang that tastes OKOK only lu~

Extra spicy 'Wan Tan Mee'~ Extremely spicy! (At least for me >_<)

'Oo Jien' or fried oyster that tastes Best among dishes we ordered ^^

'Pasembur' that tastes not bad too~ =)

After fulfilling our stomach with those yummy food, have some window shopping at Gurney Plaza because there is not enough time already (Tomorrow still have to work, have to go back home earlier =( ) But he promised me to bring me there again SOON~ Yeah ^^

This post wont have any photos of me or hubby because I'm rushed just now before leaving home as U Height has fogging AGAIN, twice per week, it's quite annoying.. @.@ And heard from one of my roommate, maybe someone in this apartment is getting Dengue ! Omg~ Seems the guest is at high possibility because I don't think fogging twice per week is at normal schedule. Haha!

Okay, time to sleep~ ♥ Ohya, before ending my post, would like to seek help from you all, my lovely readers, please help me click those advertisements appear on my blog ya~ Really thanks a lot~ ♥ And definitely, feel free to post your comment for me~


  1. xiao zhu zhu~ da zhu zhu is the first to comment here XD
    anyway ah bi promise next time will bring honey go again when weekend ya, dun worry oo ^^
    saturday lets go st.anne le lo =)

  2. da zhu zhu la, aiyo~ haha! =P
    okie~ ♥
    Yea, sunday going to st.anne together~ *excited* =)

  3. it is not sunday, sunday we oredi bek to usm d ok.. hahahahaha~ small piggie blur blur =)

  4. =.=|| hana hana, is saturday la~~~~~ =P
